Monday, October 27, 2003

Looking for Portlets ?

You are implementing a Portal based on Oracle 9iAS Portal, do not reinvent the wheel ! The Portal Center Knowledge Exchange is a great place to find portlets, articles, tips and technics from the Portlet Developer Community ! You just have to suscribe for free to the Developer Services

Portlet with a vertical scroll bar

To have a better control of the layout of your Portal Pages, you can use a vertical scroll bar in portlet wihout having to use iFrame technology. CSS provide us lof of power to do it.

1. Create a style in your portlet (or in the portlet container code):

.scrollportletId {
   overflow: auto;
2. Use this style in a DIV section:
<div class="scrollportletId>
  The content of this section will be vertically scrollable.
3. The result looks like:
This is the content of my portlet with a vertical scroll bar. It is also interesting to notice that, the 'degraded' mode -on older browser- automatically works, by showing the complete content.
You can also if needed use more style attribute to have better control of the shape of the portlet or even on some browser the look and feel of the scroll bar it self.
 scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF;

Sample Portlet.