That is really interesting if you want to add business logic to your data,or have to set some specific code before the execution of the query.
To to it you have to create a procedure that has the first parameter the return a ref cursor:
procedure get_employee_for_dept(p_ref_cursor out ref_cursor, p_dept in number);
Here a complete package based on the SCOTT sample schema:
create or replace package EMPLOYEE_API
-- create a ref cursor type that will be return to the consumer
type ref_cursor is ref cursor;
-- return in the p_ref_cursor the list of employees for the department p_dept
procedure get_employee_for_dept(p_ref_cursor out ref_cursor, p_dept in number);
create or replace package body EMPLOYEE_API
-- return in the p_ref_cursor the list of employees for the department p_dept
procedure get_employee_for_dept(p_ref_cursor out ref_cursor, p_dept in number)
-- open the cusor based on the emp table
OPEN p_ref_cursor FOR
SELECT * from emp WHERE deptno = p_dept;
In the Statement field of the OmniPortlet SQL data source you can now enter:
call EMPLOYEE_API.get_employee_for_dept('10')
Enjoy OmniPortlet !