J2EE application development for Forms and Designer developers
Back in France, and in Oracle consulting, I was very often called to present, introduce J2EE to Oracle Forms developers, since we all know that J2EE is the way to go! Sue Harper and Grant Ronald have made this task easier by creating a specific OTN page for Oracle Forms and Designer Developers that are moving to J2EE. This is also a subject that will be often discussed in the J2EE SIG that the different Oracle user groups ODTUG, IOUG,OAUG and Oracle have created. I am sure that will be a very succesful subject during the next ODTUG (Oracle Developer Tools User Group) Conference mid june in New Orleans. During this event I am presenting 3 papers: * J2EE 1.4 Overview * Oracle Application Server 10g: Best Application Server for the Oracle Database * J2EE Persistence Using OracleAS TopLink ( will probably let our guru Doug Clarke doing it if he is coming...) It is still time to register for this event, take a look to the agenda, this year will be a very good one !